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Counselling for Teenagers & Young People

Working with Teenagers and Young People


Being a teenager was never easy, but teenagers and young adults today face a barrage of challenges which cause levels of anxiety and distress not seen in previous generations.


A 'typical' family is so different now than it was even 20 years ago, with more youngsters growing up in changing or blended families, often with parents who are extremely stressed themselves, struggling with their own work and personal pressures. This has created a generation whose foundations can feel shaky and uncertain. Add to this (among other things) extreme pressures of school, societal expectations, a media diet of endless fear (from climate and environment to health-scares to war), social media reinforcing self-doubt and the increasing isolation which is now endemic in our modern culture. No wonder many youngsters feel fearful and unhappy!


However, given a supportive, encouraging, validating and most importantly listening environment, teenagers and young people are able to start to see and experience things differently much more quickly than do many older adults. Significant shifts in outlook and relationships can happen within a relatively short period of time.


Please contact me if you would like to arrange an initial telephone call, or to discuss availability for sessions.

Online Study

7a North Street East, Uppingham, Oakham, Rutland. LE15 9QJ

Email:    Mobile: 07803 184113

© 2023 Polly Rubinstein, Counsellor, Couples Therapist, Relationship Coach

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